Thursday, August 6, 2009

Justice Sotomayor's Confirmation Leaves Court 66% White Male

The first goal of this blog has been achieved with the Senate confirmation today of Justice Sonia Sotomayor. The Washington Post reports today,
Sonia Sotomayor won confirmation Thursday afternoon as the nation's 111th Supreme Court justice and the first Hispanic on the court, a historic moment for the nation's fastest-growing minority group.
However, this blog, as it's name reflects, has ongoing relevance because there are still only two women among two women among nine justices (22%) and only one nominally Black man, (Justice I-Hate-Black-People Thomas). And so, in a country with a white male population of perhaps 30%, we nonetheless have a US Supreme Court that is 66% white male. That's a vestige of American apartheid, during which time neither women nor Blacks could vote at all.

Going forward, there will be pressure on President Obama to nominate a white man to the US Supreme Court, in order to prove that, in all fairness. Obama isn't against white men. What Obama should remember instead is that white men are still represented on the Court more than twice as often as they appear in the nation's population. Any white male appointment at this time would only magnify the injustices of the past.

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